Getting your financial end of year work done now will give you accurate data to make informed business decisions. Get your end-of-financial-year work done now so you can focus on your business. A new financial year is upon us and that means that it’s time to check the...
Buying vs leasing – which one is best for business equipment and plant? How can you figure out the best choice for your situation? When your business needs new plant or equipment, what’s the best choice – buy or lease? The answer will depend on your specific...
Were you an early investor in cryptoassets? Accepting them as payment or paying your employees in cryptocurrency? Where do NFTs fit in? Is GST applicable? Don’t forget about your tax obligations. Inland Revenue won’t. Cryptocurrency? Bitcoin? The blockchain? Did you...
Are you recording, measuring and analysing enough of the data being generated by your business? With so many apps and digital solutions now available to businesses, there’s a wealth of useful data to trawl through – and plenty of hidden insights for you to...
To understand the financial position of a business at a specific point of time, look at the balance sheet. The balance sheet may also be called the statement of financial position. Together with the Profit and Loss Statement, and possibly other reports such as the...
The increase in digital business systems has opened up forensic ways of understanding your customer base. That’s a huge bonus when you’re aiming to build better connections, relationships and experiences with your audience.Knowing what your customer wants...